
Welcome to "The System's Lies", a Christian viewpoint on the world. What is the system? It's culture. Society. The wealth-oriented, self-centered, power-hungry world we choose to live in. This blog is committed to exposing the lies of this system, and offering God's message in its place.

September 10, 2008

The Big Bang Machine, and Why You Won't Die Today

There has been speculation that a scientific experiment dubbed "The Big Bang Machine" might create a black hole that would suck up the Earth, bringing about the end of the world.

I wouldn't run off to receive last rites just yet though...remember the Word.

You know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night.
1 Thessalonians 5:2

What does this tell us? It suggests that we will never predict the end times, so we should not worry about it. Rather, let us take confidence, that through his infinite love and mercy, the Lord God will save us on that day, and make efforts to better our lives everyday...

Not just days when scientists blow stuff up.

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