
Welcome to "The System's Lies", a Christian viewpoint on the world. What is the system? It's culture. Society. The wealth-oriented, self-centered, power-hungry world we choose to live in. This blog is committed to exposing the lies of this system, and offering God's message in its place.

December 5, 2008

Advent - Two Perspectives

Happy Advent! The college application process and life in general have kept me from posting for a while, but I'm glad to be back.

So the question: What is so cool about Advent? Honestly, Advent used to be a painful experience for me...four weeks waiting for all those presents...but now, it's probably one of my favorite times of the year.

The purpose of Advent IS all about waiting - just, not waiting for the gifts under the tree. We're waiting for Jesus, who is God's gift to us. You might say it's the coolest Christmas gift ever, even more so than the Nintendo Wii I got last year.

As we wait to celebrate Jesus' birth at Christmas, Advent gives us a time to prepare ourselves. As John the Baptist shouted out to the world, "Prepare ye the way of the Lord!" He means that it's time to reform ourselves, to consider what needs to change in our lives. Many Churches will hold extra times for the Sacrament of Reconciliation, a great way to further make ourselves ready to enjoy the Christmas spirit.

The second thing we're waiting for through Advent is the second coming of Christ, when he returns to bring about the Kingdom of God. This might sound bad, and kind of scary really. The end of the world? Not a good time you might think, but as Christians, we have hope in God's love and mercy for us, just another example of the gifts he gives us.

Unlike these truths, the world will tell you that Christmas is all about consumerism. Rest assured: The Toys-R-Us catalog will never replace the Bible. The system exists to take your money, and distract you from the real meaning of the season. This time of year serves as a reminder to us to put God back in the center of our lives, and grow in our relationship with him.

So in conclusion, as you prepare to unwrap your gifts at Christmas this year, keep in mind the greatest gift we can ever receive - Jesus.

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